关于「 preston」的内容列表

Opinion: Brazil's battle with the X platform may determine the censorship attitude of other countries towards the platform

In response to the "Brazilian Supreme Court's suspension of the X platform," tech lawyer Preston Byrne argued that if Brazil "succeeds" in its battle with X, other countries may follow suit. "If Brazil succeeds in defeating X, the European Union, the UK, Australia, Canada will next ban X. Conversely, if X defeats Brazil, censorship around the world will prove useless to Americans and decline rapidly," Byrne added. (Cointelegraph)

2024-08-31 14:50:24

针对“巴西最高法院叫停 X 平台”一事,科技律师 Preston Byrne 认为,如果巴西在与 X 的战斗中“成功”,其他国家可能会效仿它。“如果巴西成功击败 X,欧盟、英国、澳大利亚、加拿大接下来将禁止 X。相反,如果 X 击败巴西,世界各地的审查制度将被证明对美国人毫无用处,并迅速下降,”Byrne 补充道。(Cointelegraph)

2024-08-31 14:50:24